How To Run Verilog Code In Centos
Step 1: Create one folder with name verilog (You Can use Your Own Name).
Step 2: Open terminal and create file with vi editor with the help of below command
$ vi full_adder.v
Step 3: After open vi editor write a verilog code (for example we write full adder code ) and save it.
Step 4: Now create another file called testbench file as below and save it.
Step 5: Now time to run both file, use below command to run the file.
$ iverilog full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v
Step 6: In step 5 if there is an error in code, error will display in terminal after the run file otherwise a.out file will be generate.
Step 7: Now time to show the output of the code, run a.out file by below command.
$ ./a.out
Step 8: After run the a.out file .dump file will be generate with the help of this .dump file we can show the waveform.
To run this .dump file use below command
$ gtkwave fulladd1.dump
Steps To Install iverilog
Step 1: Open terminal and got to the root by use of su command.
Step 2: Run the below command to install epel release repo
$ yum install epel*
Step 3: After successful installation of repo run below command to install iverilog.
$ yum install iverilog
Step 4: Now time to install GTKWAVE to analyse waveform.
$ yum install gtkwave
wow i got it...